Mishima in the World: 50 Years Later

Article intéressant sur l’héritage littéraire, artistique et intellectuel de l’écrivain japonais. Analyse de Irmela Hijiya-Kirschnereit, professeure de littérature japonaise et d’histoire culturelle à la Freie Universität Berlin.

Half a century has passed since the demise of Mishima Yukio, for many decades the world’s best-known Japanese literary author. By number of translated book titles, he is far ahead of Kawabata Yasunari and Ōe Kenzaburō, Japan’s two literary Nobel Prize winners to date. But being widely known and read in the fast-paced world of the twenty-first century would be no mean feat, given the enormous changes in the media landscape and the changed significance of highbrow literature. What is left of his legacy as a writer?

Lire la suite : Nippon, 02/11/2020. URL : https://www.nippon.com/en/japan-topics/g00961/